Monday, 1 October 2012

New Friends

Well, i already complete my first month as a university student. At first, i feel so empty....feeling loneliness...lose...sad...and any other pathetic feeling. And i know everyone have experience that feeling. when you are the new at that place, not with your people, i mean people with same slang of language, same culture and many that describe you are the very new person and sometime or every time maybe you feel completely become a loner. But lucky, after i put a lot of effort to make my self suitable in the new environment of the new place, i found out that i am so enjoy here and have a very good time with my new friends. My new friends are very good and sweet for me that make me feel they are my family. Although we all come from different background of family, culture and race..that not become a problems for us to be like family .and now, i start to like this new place where i am here now..UNIVERSITY KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA,BANGI SELANGOR....KOLEJ KERIS MAS(KKM)......


Me and  Raes
christian student in UKM
Me , friends and senior
Mellisa, Me , Nola And Carol

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