Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Healthy Brain


Tip 1: Don't smoke. 
Smoking represents a major risk factor for cancer, heart disease and stroke. These leading causes of death represent an ongoing concern for all Americans. Nonsmokers might consider taking an empathetic approach to smokers who are trying to quit, and parents might use a "tough love" approach with their children to make sure they don't even start.

Tip 2: Follow your physician's advice. 

Your relationship with your physician is critical to your health. Remember, though, that as a consumer of health services your doctor is your employee, so establish a good working relationship based on the understanding that you are the boss of your body. We must develop a proactive attitude toward maintaining our health and take responsibility to change those aspects of our lifestyles that are minimizing our longevity potential. Our physicians can help guide this process. 
Tip 3: Exercise regularly. 
Exercise and physical activity continue to emerge as primary components of a healthy lifestyle at any age. Aerobic exercise, weight training and recreation are critical not just to our cardiovascular health but to our brain health, as well. Every time our heart beats, 25 percent of its output goes to our brains-quite a large market share! Clearly, maintaining efficient blood flow to our brains through regular exercise promotes health. If you don't exercise regularly, start by walking around the block tonight and build from there. 
Tip 4: Reduce the overall calories you consume daily. 
We Americans tend not to underconsume anything-including food. Yet the leading factor for longevity in animals is caloric restriction. This finding has yet to be demonstrated in humans. However, provided you get your daily nutritional needs from the USDA'S food pyramid, you should pay close attention to how much you eat. Follow the advice two physicians gave me: N ever go to bed stuffed, and eat only 80 percent of what you intend to consume at every meal. 
Tip 5: Socialize and have fun. 

We Americans specialize in stress, with little understanding of how to have fun. We need more time to socialize, celebrate and laugh! Some of us have walls around us that keep other people away. As humans, though, we need to be engaged and to be social. Kofi Annan, the secretary general of the United Nations, once stated that every time "we lose an elder from our village, we lose a library." If we begin to think of everyone as a library, it becomes clear that we can learn from others. 
Tip 6: Develop your spirituality. 

Evidence continues to emerge that prayer is a health-promoting behavior and that attendance at formalized places of worship may have more significance to our health than we understand. Meditation, yoga, relaxation procedures and prayer have neurophysiological bases. They help to alter our existing homeostasis for the better. Praying or meditating daily can help us combat the stresses of life and focus on the challenges ahead. 
Tip 7: Engage in mentally stimulating activities. 

"Mental stimulation" refers to the ways our brains respond to stimuli in the environment. Novel and complex stimuli are health-promoting for the brain. New learning translates to neurophysiological growth and to mental stimulation in the same way that aerobics translates to cardiovascular health. We can benefit from being challenged, from learning information and skills that we do not yet understand, and from engaging in pursuits that are initially hard for us! 
Tip 8: Maintain your role and sense of purpose. 
Retirement as it is presently envisioned in this country is not good for the human brain, which benefits from environments rich in novel and complex stimuli. Retirement by definition reinforces disengagement and passivity. Our nation might consider prioritizing social engagement across the lifespan-from a brain-health perspective. Although it is important to allow elders to choose more passive lifestyles, many may benefit from an understanding of the importance of actively participating in society and finding personally relevant roles and senses of purpose. 
Tip 9: Seek financial stability. 
Research clearly demonstrates that having some money late in life correlates with better health. Therefore, a practical tip for maintaining lifelong health is to hire a financial planner and begin a savings plan that will provide some money late in life. Financial planners do not consider themselves to be health promoters, but they are. We are never too young or too old to begin saving, and the less money we make the faster we need to get started! 
Tip 10: Engage family and friends. 
Developing and maintaining a social network of relationships is important from a health perspective. Our friends and family help us stay active and involved in the fabric of society. They can provide us with emotional support and can nurture trust. Our roles in life, from child to parent to grandparent, exist within the family; they provide much health and human enrichment across the lifespan. And intimacy, broadly defined, is itself a health-promoting behavior at any age.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


What is stress?

Stress is simply a fact of nature -- forces from the inside or outside world affecting the individual. The individual responds to stress in ways that affect the individual as well as their environment. Because of the overabundance of stress in our modern lives, we usually think of stress as a negative experience, but from a biological point of view, stress can be a neutral, negative, or positive experience.
In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors. External factors include the physical environment, including your job, your relationships with others, your home, and all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you're confronted with on a daily basis. Internal factors determine your body's ability to respond to, and deal with, the external stress-inducing factors. Internal factors which influence your ability to handle stress include your nutritional status, overall health andfitness levels, emotional well-being, and the amount of sleep and rest you get.
Stress has driven evolutionary change (the development and natural selection of species over time). Thus, the species that adapted best to the causes of stress (stressors) have survived and evolved into the plant and animal kingdoms we now observe.
Picture of areas of the body that are affected by stress
Picture of some of the areas of the body that are affected by stress
Man is the most adaptive creature on the planet because of the evolution of the human brain, especially the part called the neo-cortex. This adaptability is largely due to the changes and stressors that we have faced and mastered. Therefore, we, unlike other animals, can live in any climate or ecosystem, at various altitudes, and avoid the danger of predators. Moreover, most recently, we have learned to live in the air, under the sea, and even in space, where no living creatures that we know of have ever survived. So then, what is so bad about stress?

Monday, 19 November 2012

Kota Yang Tenggelam

Kota Yang Tenggelam

Alexandria, Egypt: Lepas pantai Alexandria, kota dari Alexander the Great, terbentang apa yg dipercayai sebagai puing2 kamar/ruangan kebesaran Cleopatra.Dipercayai bahwa gempa besar sekitar 1500thn yg lalu yg menyebabkan tempat ini tenggelam di dalam laut bersama2 peninggalan2 bersejarah, patung2 dan bagian2 lain dari istana Cleopatra.
Bay of Cambay, India: Beberapa thn yg lalu ditemukan sebuah kota berumur lebih dari 9500 thn.Lebih penting lagi penemuan ini lebih tua 5000thn dari apa yg pernah ditemukan didaerah ini, memaksa para ahli sejarah untuk mengevaluasi kembali pengertian mereka ttg sejarah kebudayaan di daerah itu. Penemuan ini dinamakan Dwarka atau Kota Emas, yg dinamakan menurut kota tua dalam laut yg dimiliki dewa Khrisna.
Kwan Phayao, Thailand : Sebetulnya candi berumur 500thn yg berada di dasar danau Phayao tidak aneh.Tetapi yg aneh adalah bahwa danau tsb baru dibuat dengan sengaja 70 thn yg lalu.
Yonaguni-Jima, Japan: Ditemukan oleh seorang pemandu tur selam krg lbh 20thn yg lalu.Byk kontroversi tentang piramid misterius yg ditemukan lepas pantai jepang.Bangunan ini terlihat seperti dipahat dari lempengan batu menggunakan peralatan yg diduga tdk/blm ada pada jaman dahulu di area ini.
Havana, Cuba : Sebuah tim ilmuwan melanjutkan penelitian ttg puing2 megalitic di selat Yucatan dekat Cuba.Mereka menemukan bukti bahwa ada sebuah pemukiman urban sepanjang beberapa mil sepanjang pantai.Beberapa percaya bahwa yg dahulu tinggal ditempat tsb adalah kebudayaan America tua.
North Sea, Europe : Sebuah landscape baru2 ini ditemukan dibawah Laut Utara.Dulu pernha didiami oleh manusia krg lebih 10000thn yg lalu.Area tsb dulu adalah sungai,danau,dan samudra skrg ada dibawah dasar laut.
Atlantis, Antarctica ? Lebih dari 100thn yg lalu seorang kurator museum di Istanbul menemukan sebuat peta tua.Setelah menelitinya dia menemukan lokasi yg ditandai dgn deretan gunung yg lokasinya adalah dimana Antartica skrg berada.Peta ini adalah salah satu dari sekian bukti yg menyatakan bahwa Antartica adalah kota Atlantis yg hilang.Bukti terbaru adalah penemuan menggunakan teknologi sonar yg menunjukkan bahwa ada struktur lagi dibawah Antartica.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Family Or Friends

If there’s one universal rule, it’s that nothing is perfect. Every person, place, or thing has some great qualities and some big drawbacks. So it’s no surprise when it comes to the importance of family vs. friends that, as clichéd as it sounds, there are good and bad elements in both groups. (Or, depending on your experience, some very good or very bad elements.)
With the holiday season approaching, it’s almost inevitable that images about happy multi-generational families sitting around a table come to mind.  No family on earth is ever Norman Rockwell perfect, but as we get older the memories of those gatherings often become more poignant.
And that’s not just our mind playing tricks on us. The hard reality is that there may not be that many people around the table anymore. Older relatives die, our kids move away, or we do, and suddenly holidays can become an occasion to get through (or even ignore) rather than a day to enjoy. And if you’ve moved elsewhere to retire, even a non-holiday visit back to your old town can be a source of overwhelmingly bittersweet memories. But family can provide a comforting refuge for us. A long, shared history and even a house that has been a home for decades can give us a strong sense of stability.
Friends often give another kind of comfort. They’re usually your age, so they may have a better understanding of what issues you face – health and finances, say – than the younger members of your family. And because, unlike your relatives, you can choose them, you’re likely to end up with buddies with your same interests and attitudes.
Not that friends are perfect.  Like family members, they can behave badly and be unkind and inconsiderate. The disadvantage with friends is that without ties of family, you or they probably feel freer to cut off the relationship immediately. With relatives, there’s more of an incentive to work things out (who wants to sit next to a grumpy daughter at the Thanksgiving feast?) Blood ties often mean a lot, too. With friends, you may simply walk away from conflicts—or suppress your anger until you blow up and end the relationship.
But having friends is important. Research published in the “British Medical Journal” shows that having friends increases lifespan, while a strong family connection appears to have no influence. The study, which monited 1,500 people over a 10-year period, factored in socioeconomic and lifestyle factors before reaching the conclusion that friendship is, literally, a survival tool for boomers.
There’s every reason, though, to keep up contact with family as well. Following a few simple steps can help improve or maintain your relationships with both groups:
1. Keep in touch. With family, you don’t have to wait to send a long holiday letter. Facebook and email are great tools for brief messages. (Don’t become a daily-joke forwarder, though!)
2. Forget about it.  If a relative or friend has done something to hurt you, tell them. Sullenness or the silent treatment never solved anything. Once you’ve ironed out your differences, don’t dwell on what happened. 
3. Plan to make friends. If you move to a new community, or are approaching retirement, figure out the best way to make new friends, whether it’s joining a sports group, a support group, a church or a club.  You might consider taking part in a group that has younger members as well.
4. Don’t be a perfectionist. If a relative or potential friend wears the “wrong” clothes or has some other outward flaw, focus on what other qualities might be redeeming. People who are quirky or follow their own path often make for interesting buddies. 
5. Don’t take offense easily. Although some relatives and friends can be consistently unkind (something you should stay away from), others can be only momentarily rude or inconsiderate. Just brush it off – no one is perfect. 
There’s no doubt that relationships, whether with family or friends, can be very difficult – for the other person as well as for you. But it’s worth making the effort. Both family and friends can give you one of life’s most wonderful qualities: the feeling of loving, and being loved in return.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Existence of Mermaid

“Mermaids: The Body Found” increases speculation on existence of mermaids

By Amanda Shore
Paul Robertson, a former employee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), speaks in a two-hour Animal Planet special about his experiences with his research team while they were investigating mass whale beachings around the world. This television program, “Mermaids: The Body Found,” took about five years to complete and gives compelling evidence that suggests that mermaids could be real.
In this program, a sound clip that has been called “the bloop” is played as the first piece of evidence that there is an unknown or new species in the water. Robertson and his team were investigating the mass whale beachings in 2007. When they examined the tissue samples that they took from the whales, they discovered evidence of a SONAR weapon. They believed that this weapon caused the whales to become disoriented. The whales tried to escape the blasts of sound and ended up in waters that were too shallow to support their massive sizes, so they ended up beached.
To try and prove this theory, they pulled up one of their buoys that was recording SONAR activity. It was in this recording that the bloop was discovered. They recognized the sound of another animal mixed in with the sounds of the whales and dolphins. After more closely inspecting it, they discovered that the unknown creature was communicating with them, possibly warning each other to get away.
Later on, there was another mass beaching in South Africa. The researchers inSouth Africa had recorded similar sounds on their own devices. Robertson and his team traveled there to investigate. There, they were shown the remains of an unknown creature that had been found inside a great white shark. After carefully studying this creature’s remains, these scientists became convinced that it was a mermaid.
Unfortunately, the government confiscated the remains and their research as the team was about to return to the United States. The only thing that they had left was the bloop. Robertson tracked down one of two boys that had reportedly seen a mermaid body on the beach the morning of the first mass whale beaching. He says that he captured the mermaid on his camera phone. Robertson viewed this video as well as a drawing that the boy did after the event. The drawing matched what his team had found.
In addition to all of the scientific evidence that they found, they also looked to history for some evidence. There have been reports of strange spears and daggers found in sea creatures that fishermen have been finding for years. Robertson had found one of these tools in the great white shark. 16th-century drawings show very close matches to what Robertson and his team found. Ancient cave paintings show struggles between humans and mermaids.
Robertson stated in the program that he believes that mermaids do exist but that, unlike one of his colleagues who thinks that the only solution is to find them, he doesn’t want to find the mermaids anymore. He stated that he thinks the mermaids have survived this long because they know how to hide. He talked about how he doesn’t think that humans would be able to coexist with the mermaids without wiping them out. He is still trying to get the testing and development of the SONAR weapon to stop in order to save whales, dolphins and mermaids.
Whether they are mermaids or not, there are definitely mysterious and unknown species in the oceans. Watch “Mermaids: The Body Found” to decide for yourself.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Assignment 3:Power Point

How To Become A Natural Beauty


  1. 1
    Believe that you are  beautiful.
     Believe that you are beautiful.
    Believe that you are beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful - The most efficient way is eating a BALANCED diet and also get plenty of exercise. Start by walking with friends, taking up dancing or start to jog around the block every day.

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  2. 2
    Clear up your skin  and even the tone.
     Clear up your skin and even the tone.
    Clear up your skin and even the tone. Embrace your face. Learn to accept and love your skin even if it is not clear or even toned. You can use natural products such as shea butter for more even skin tone, rosemary oil for acne, tea tree oil for inflamed acne, and witch hazel for a calming affect on redness. Just add a few drops to your nighttime moisturizer. Supplement by adding more veggies and fruit to your diet and getting plenty of vitamins D and C. Remember to exfoliate your skin no more than 3 times a week. Do not over exfoliate though because it will make your face go flaky and red. Rinse your face in the morning with cool water and use a cleanser that doesn't contain alcohol. Place the cleanser in a small spray bottle for a light misting that you can use throughout the day and follow with a moisturizing face cream with a sunblock.
  3. 3
    Get pretty, healthy hair.
     Get pretty, healthy hair.
    Get pretty, healthy hair. If you want to dye your hair (which always makes your hair stand out and is a great way to change up your look) opt for ammonia free kits or ask your colorist or stylist at your salon to use ammonia free or "gentle" concoctions. Ask for a semi or demi- permanent dye and always embrace your hair colour and texture. No hair type is unattractive. Not only will this mitigate the time you spend with the flatiron or curling iron, it will also increase the strength of your tresses. If you must use heat-tools use a heat protective spray before you style or blow dry to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Wash your hair regularly so its nice and clean otherwise it will go greasy and it will start to smell.
  4. 4
    Brush those pearly whites.
     Brush those pearly whites.
    Brush those pearly whites. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, follow with a restorative mouth wash. Floss at night before you go to bed, and chew sugar free gum after meals to promote saliva flow which ultimately lessens the probability of cavities because it prevents plaque acid. Be sure to see your dentist twice a year for checkups and a cleaning. To keep teeth white and strong drink acidic drinks such as coffee and soda through straws to prevent corrosion of the enamel.
  5. 5
    Don't make the makeup obvious.
     Don't make the makeup obvious.
    Don't make the makeup obvious. A good tinted moisturizer, brown mascara, nude or pink lip gloss, and a touch of rosy cream blush is all the natural beauty needs. But if you want to play up your look for evening, a great lined cat-eye in a charcoal or bronze looks incredible.
  6. 6
    Get some exercise.
     Get some exercise.
    Get some exercise. Be body conscious, but never obsess. You don't need the fancy diet programs advertised on T.V. nor do you need to belong to those health clubs that are popping up everywhere. Just do you. Exercise what you enjoy. That's why it's called exercise, which originally meant "the act of employing or putting into play". So if you like to walk your dog, run, hike, bike, dance, or even watch Richard Simmons. Do what makes you move and what you enjoy. Exercise also makes you feel more confident and happy because it releases hormones called endorphins.
  7. 7
    Get enough sleep.
     Get enough sleep.
    Get enough sleep. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! It is wonderful and we don't do it nearly enough. Aim for the bare minimum 6 and a half hours of sleep and shoot for 9/10 hours. Set a regular bedtime such as 9 O'clock and don't eat two hours before bed, stay away from caffeine which has a half life of approximately 4.9 hours. That means that if you drink a cup of coffee, half of the caffeine in that cup of coffee is out of your body in 4.9 hours. If you have a cup of coffee an hour before bed... well you are in for a restless night. If you have a hard time falling asleep, systematic relaxation techniques are wonderful. Start at your feet and tense the muscles in your feet for a count of 5 seconds and relax. Proceed up the body tensing and releasing the leg, buttocks, stomach, arms, hands, neck and face muscles through counts of 5 seconds. If you have racing thoughts imagine that your thoughts are fish and you are catching them in a slow moving stream. Acknowledge that they are there and then send them on their way, Relaxing meditation music on YouTube is very useful to. Finally, melatonin is a natural supplement that aids in relaxation and sleep. This should be reserved for individuals who have a very difficult time with sleep and are considering going on medication. Try melatonin first. It is naturally occurring, and non-habit forming.
  8. 8

Friday, 2 November 2012

The Existence of Vampire

Vampires are proved to exist

Legends about vampires, so popular among Gothic style fans, have a real base. People that fear daylight, have yellow fang-like teeth, animal-looking nails and are allergic to garlic do exist, not to mention those who merely wear black, Gothic jewellery  gets fang implants and bites innocent old ladies while high. By the way, the fact that old ladies are bitten isn't a myth; in the Kaliningrad region a teenager killed 2 pensioners for a special vampire ceremony. The cruellest accident happened in Great Britain 4 years ago. Then a 17-year teenager slaughtered his female neighbour  teared out her heart and sucked out blood to gain immortality.
Almost each nation has legends about vampires that hunt people at night and drink their blood. In these legends vampires are cruel, heartless, half-decayed creatures. For example, Slavic mythology has a belief that a vampire won’t get out of grave if you throw some corn inside. The vampire will count corns all night long. But the image of a vampire has changed. Today it is an enigmatic sexy superstar that kept its peculiar traits: love of blood, hate for garlic, and fear for the sun. In the Middle Ages the legend about vampires was complemented with the information that they fear cross and Holy Water. That remained a myth until 1963, when a British doctor Li Illis made a stunning announcement: vampire-werewolf is nothing more than a victim of a genetic pathology – porphyria.

This is a rare disease – only 1 in 20000 people suffers from it. The body doesn't produce red corpuscles and thus a person’s blood lacks oxygen and iron and this leads to haemoglobin breakdown under the sunshine. Soon blisters and ulcers pop up; a person starts to have sun energy and can even die. This disease can also cause nose, ears and cartilages deformation. His fingers start to convolve; the skin around mouth gets dry and reveals gums, which turn yellowish because of porphyrine deposition on the teeth. Garlic that stimulates red corpuscles emission in the body of healthy person causes the exacerbation of symptoms among the ill people. This goes hand in hand with harsh pain, so these people also often suffer from mental disability.
If you sum up all the symptoms of this disease, you get the exact same picture of a vampire shown on TV. In France only in the 17th century 30 thousand people were declared werewolves according to the signs described by Illis. All of them were hanged. The Czech archaeologists found the burying that dates back to the 11th century. There were 13 people lying with tied hands, chopped off heads and stakes in the chest.
Porphyria is not infective – it is an inherited disease. If one of the parents suffers from it, the child is 25 percent probable to inherit it. The reason for it can be hepatitis C, incest and excessive alcohol drinking.
They say that in the Middle Ages people that had porphyria were cured by blood, though it’s pointless as it doesn't stanch pain. Today patients get blood-based injections. This disease though is neither examined nor cured.
Russian scientists don’t pay attention to this problem. In distinction from the West, we have neither qualified specialists, nor equipped medical centre to deal with this disease.